RTI cz DAB multiplex boosts coverage in Domažlice - Čerchov
24.06.2022, Czech Republic
RTI cz s.r.o. has launched a new DAB+ transmitter in Domažlice - Čerchov. The transmitter complements the single-frequency network of transmitters on channel 5B Plzeň - Sylván, Klatovy - Doubrava and Třebouňský vrch. The transmitter significantly increases the coverage in the area of Domažlice, Kdyně, Horšovský Týn and Poběžovice. Here you can tune in to the RTI cz DAB multiplex offering: Czech Radio Karlovy Vary, DAB Plus Top 40, Radio Proglas, Radio 7, Radio BEAT, Radio 1, Signal Radio and Radio Ukraine.
DAB+ in Europe 2022: An overview
22.06.2022, Germany
Digitalradio Büro Deutschland provides an overview of DAB+ in Europe outside Germany. More and more countries in Europe are relying on the digital successor to VHF and are starting to roll out new stations. Where DAB+ is already established, the variety of stations has increased significantly in recent months. DAB+ is available to around 64 percent of the population of Europe. For listeners, this means: more variety and clearer, digital reception. There are currently radio broadcasts via DAB and/or DAB+ in 30 European countries, DAB+ has already been tested in others and the start of regular operation is being planned.
22.06.2022, Германия
Digitalradio Büro Deutschland предоставя преглед на DAB+ в Европа извън Германия. Все повече страни в Европа разчитат на цифровия наследник на VHF и започват да пускат нови станции. Там, където DAB+ вече е установен, разнообразието от станции се увеличи значително през последните месеци. DAB+ е достъпен за около 64 процента от населението на Европа. За слушателите това означава: повече разнообразие и по-ясно, цифрово приемане. В момента има радиопредавания чрез DAB и/или DAB+ в 30 европейски страни, DAB+ вече е тестван в други и се планира началото на редовна експлоатация.
https://www.dabplus.de/2022/06/22/dab-i ... ebersicht/